- Is Imagicaa open?
Imagicaa Theme, Water, Snow Park & Novotel stay is Open All Days. Check park operational Timings Here while planning your trip to Imagicaa
- Are there any pre-booking offers?
Choose from a wide range of our offers & save more by pre-booking tickets / add-ons online. Checkout the below link for the latest offers! https://www.imagicaaworld.com/tickets-and-offers/
- I have Imagicaa coupons which have expired. Will we get refund or the validity will be extended?
We are committed to ensuring our guests experience the flexibility of their visit. Please send us an email at contactus@imagicaaworld.com with your Coupon details & Mobile Number or reach out to us on 022-62552929
- I need to cancel my tickets, what is the process?
You need to send an email at contactus@imagicaaworld.com with your ticket booking details or reach out to us on 022-62552929
- How to extend Imagicaa passport?
You need to send an email at contactus@imagicaaworld.com with your ticket booking details or reach out to us on 022-62552929
- What are the safety measures taken at Imagicaa for Covid-19?
We operate at limited capacity to maintain social distancing. Daily Park & Regular ride sanitization is done, we recommend to pre-book tickets online for contactless payment & easy access guest entry. Check this https://www.imagicaaworld.com/covid-measures/#safety_measures for all Safety measures taken at the park.
Imagicaa, a theme park of Adlabs Entertainment, continues its brand campaign 'Kahaaniyan banti hain' with third TVC that launches today. The ad films have been conceptualised by Leo Burnett and will be aired on national and regional television channels.
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