Characters at Imagicaa

Imagicaa has its own interesting residents who love to meet new kids from all over the world. So, kids come on over. Tubbby, Roberto, The Astronaut and The Gingerbread Man are so very eager to meet you all.

Tubbby – The Flying Elephant

Tubbby – The Flying Elephant Imagicaa's very own flying elephant, Tubbby, just loves to meet all the cool kids with an interesting ambition in life, just like his. Don't worry if you don't have one. You could take a flight on his goal of flying high in the skies. He just might give you some advice on how fast to flap your wings… err… hands!

Roberto – The Star Chef

Roberto – The Star Chef The star chef Roberto is out in Imagicaa, doing his rounds and meeting all the guests who have been bowled over by his awesome dishes. Look out for him when you are visiting next. You never know. He may even share some interesting culinary tips!

The Lost Astronaut

The Lost Astronaut The Imagican astronaut got lost and tried real hard to look for his way back home to the Deep Space at Imagicaa. He has finally had a homecoming. Bump into him and know more about his stories of being lost all alone out in the big bad world!